Companies and organization that aggressively compete with each other to promote their wares and services need to recruit and hold on to the most talented of individuals in order to retain their competitive edge. In these days of stiff competition for jobs, an organization can easily find enough people if it merely wants to fill up the openings. But if a company is sincere about hiring the best talent that is available, it needs to devoutly adhere to a stringent recruitment policy. Studies and surveys on application proclivities of jobseekers have clearly demonstrated that they’re most likely to apply to those companies that have a well-entrenched brand value and follow a rigorous recruitment process. There is enough evidence to deduce that the staffing procedure a corporate entity follows has a bearing on jobseekers’ perception of a company’s or employer’s brand value. Based on the recruitment system of an entity, an applicant will form a mental picture about its organizational culture, and corporate image which will ultimately help him to decide whether he should apply to the organization. The recruitment method a company adopts for employing job applicants is quite similar to the strategies and techniques it takes up for selling its products and services. Both jobseekers and clients develop a perception about the firm that is based upon the branding activities it carries out to project itself to the external world. Defining Company Brand Value As it is with a product or service that carries a specific brand value, a business organization too has an employer image. In other words, it implies that a company enjoys goodwill in the employment market if current and prospective employees looking forward to a scintillating career find it a great and encouraging place to work in. A company’s brand value vis-a-vis jobseekers is all about the impression they have of the organization and how it performs in the market. It is based on these impressions that a typical job applicant makes up his mind on whether working for the entity will help him to further his career prospects. The Advantages of Having a Robust Brand Value It goes without saying that a company with an ingrained brand image will have it easy when it comes to attracting and retaining the best of skilled jobseekers. Job applicants will always prefer to apply to a firm with an established brand equity in the market as working in such an organization will help them to grow professionally. The organization will have choice of selecting candidates from an extensive talent pool as thousands of jobseekers will be submitting their resumes. How Recruitment Process Impacts the Organizational Image Although the actual association between a potential employee and the organization (read brand) gets underway during the interview process, the foundations for the connection are in fact, laid much before the commencement of the recruitment procedure. An organization in order to draw the attention of talented applicants must present its best face. To put it more succinctly and clearly, it must market its superlative attributes. A jobseeker may have had several encounters with the company much before he sent in his job application. He may have bought products or booked a service offered by the organization. So he already has a notion about the establishment. Furthermore, a job applicant will surely conduct meticulous research on the company background, go through the career page of the firm’s portal and discuss with current employees about their experiences of working for the entity on automated networking sites.
[via NaukriHub Blog]
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